
Kansas Grasses Digital Key

Clenton Owensby - Kansas State University

Navikey (A Java program) is used to query a DELTA database designed and produced by Clenton Owensby. Select the parameter in the upper left panel by clicking on the item and then select the appropriate response in the upper right and click on the Select button. Continue selecting parameters until you either have only one plant or a few, then go to the line drawings link and check to see if it is the proper plant. Choices for each character you choose will be placed in the lower left hand pane. If you wish to change a response for a given character or remove that character, highlight the character in the lower left pane and choose Remove Selection. That character will be move back into the pool of characters in the upper left pane. If you wish to start over, merely select Remove All. Scroll down to begin using the key.

Line Drawings and Photos of Kansas Grasses

Powered by: NaviKey v. 4.0
To run NaviKey, Java™ 2 Runtime Environment needs to be downloaded and installed first.